Thursday, October 2, 2008


Uganda is a landlocked country bordered by the Congo, Sudan, Kenya and Tanzania. Uganda is a fertile country, it has many rivers and a couple large lakes. The lakes include Lake Kyoga, Lake Albert, Lake Edward, and Lake Vitctoria, Lake Victoria is the largest of the lakes, and is on the border of Kenya and Tanzania. The country as a whole receives a large amount of rainful each year, this allows for a steady agricultural based econonomy.

Uganda also has large amounts of untapped crude oil and natural gas deposits.

The biggest city and thr capital of Uganda is Kampala, Kampala is located in southern Uganda, on the north shore of the Victoria River.

Uganda is home to many native ethnic groups, including, Baganda, Banyakole, Basoga, Bakiga, Iteso, Langi, Acholi, Bagisu, Lugbara, and Bunyoro.

Throughout its history Uganda has had many leaders, most have came to power via a coup and most have left power via a coup. This is the source of Uganda's past conflicts. Different men, from different backgrounds and tribes, taking power, then another man, just as they had done, would try and create a force strong enough to take power over. Uganda's recent history is littered with these men, some have been tolerable, others have caused the deaths of thousands.


mattycavs said...


You mention all of the different tribes/ethnicities of people in Uganda--do they get along? How?

Rebecca said...

Your last sentence is really good. Was there a genocide in Uganda?

Sam Alf said...

No, I dont think Amin was ever charged with genocide, he was responsible for killing much more than one race, if he distrusted you he killed you, regardless of who you were

Sam Alf said...

The tribes got along for the most part, I was not able to find any instances where they were against eachother